Chloride Guard Catalyst

The presence of chloride in refinery streams typically has two sources: crude oil and the catalytic reforming unit. While less common, certain crude oil assays do contain species of organic chlorides that are not removed in the desalted. The most common source of chloride, however, is the catalytic reforming unit. These units utilize metal and acid functionality, with chloride injected and adsorbed onto the catalyst to provide the acid function necessary for optimal conversion and selectivity. Devson has a range of Chloride Guard Catalysts as per the client's needs. We have developed 4 Grade of chloride catalysts which are widely used in the industry


Chloride Guard Catalysts Range

Chloride Guard Catalyst, DEV-CGC™-L01 (HCL pickup 10+% & 15+%)

Chloride Guard Catalyst, DEV-CGC™-05 (HCL pickup 30+%)

Chloride Guard Catalyst, DEV-CGC™-07 (Organic CL pickup 10%)